About her....

"Art is an overwhelming force that allows me to continually find beauty in the world around me. From the time I was small, I have appreciated the process of creating; constantly dreaming up the next endeavor or medium I want to experiment with.

Once used as a means of emotional expression, I find myself now using art as more of a conveyance of beauty, hoping that I can reach the audience and provide an aspect they may have overlooked. 

I was born in 1985; raised in Fairbanks, Alaska. As luck would have it, I was graced with two very creative, loving and supportive parents. Additionally, I'm lucky enough to have established the title of Mom to 5 very amazing people, who inspire me daily, not only to create but to observe and most importantly to love. I’m grateful to pull my inspiration from such a personal, close entity.

I studied at UAF, eventually acquiring my bachelors in art with a focus on painting and a minor in Early Childhood Education. I work now, based in North Pole, Alaska, primarily in acrylics, but love, appreciate and experiment with all art processes. The natural world occupies a large portion of my subject choice, but that has a broad definition to me. I appreciate watching the way nature reacts and coexists with manmade manipulations, capturing both the beauty and oddity of their interactions. There truly is value and interest in all our surroundings, so long as we slow down and take the time to see it."

-Lacey Miller